One of the main reasons why I love reading Lucy is because of her beautiful usage of imagery. Her words flow smoothly throughout the novel and I feel as if I am walking in Lucy's shoes. Since Lucy is living in a place she is unfamiliar with, she describes the weather often. She describes how through the windows, the sun is shining brightly... but when you go outside, you need a winter coat! This type of weather brought up an issue I was discussing with one of my good friends who is from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He always complains about the terrible weather in Indiana, and how one day you can be wearing flip flops and shorts, and the next you might need mittens and a thick sweatshirt. I told him that because of our bipolar weather, I grew to appreciate the nice weather. Whenever it's a beautiful warm sunny day (which is very rare!) I am usually in the best mood either outside studying or playin frisbee. Since I am not used to the weather being warm all the time, the cold weather doesn't seem to bother me as much. I don't take the warm weather for granted and I appreciate the sun when he shows his rarely shines.