Hula Hooping, My Penmanship.
Seeking the perfect hula hoop is the first step. The right color, texture, and size all play a huge role in defying your hooping skills. You lower the hula hoop about ankle level and leap into the circle with both feet. The hula hoop is then brought above your waist and you hold it with both hands so it's resting right above your back. This is where the magic begins. You swing the hula hoop to the left and move your hips to the left to join the hula hoop in a rotating formation. Leaving your feet shoulder width apart, you circle your pelvis Elvis style. Before you know it, your moving in perfect harmony mindlessly.
When I first begin writing, I create an outline to get an overview of my future paper. Then I just sort of leap into it. Once I start writing, the words begin to flow. I can start to write faster, or gradually slow down. But I usually maintain a sense of rhythm and the flowing continues. The great thing about writing like a hula hoop, is if I mess up it's easy to pick the hoop back up and start over.
this is interesting...I would have never thought of that!