Monday, April 6, 2009

Significance of Names

In class we discussed the importance of names. The way my parents decided to name me is actually quite embarrassing... My parents were watching television and a dill pickle commercial came on with a father and daughter.. the daughter asks her dad if he was going to finish his pickle and he said, "No, Katie." And ironically thats how I got my name. Once my mom told me this when I was a kid, I went straight to the refrigerator and grabbed a full jar of pickles... thinking it was my destiny to love them. I hated the way their sour slippery taste but I tried and tried to force myself to like them. After finishing the large jar... one can only guess what happened... never again have I ate a pickle and my stomach turns whenever I see a jar of pickles in my refrigerator. So I guess your name doesn't always have to live up to the expectation.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is hilarious! In a way, I imagine this as a long personal essay on the relationship we have to names. I love your line "thinking it was my destiny to love them".
